Fortune Bags

This was the first official program of Sunshine Action in 2008 and remains our biggest project after more than a decade. We started with the simple concept that "Everyone Needs to Eat", called our donations Fortune Bags, and used the Festive Seasons as a motivation to donate.
From 2024, the Sunshine Action weekly events are in reels at the Sunshine Action Instagram:
The History of the Sunshine Fortune Bags
The Fortune Bag Program packs and distributes bags full of rice, pasta, dry foods, sauces, toiletries, and other necessities to low-income individuals supported by our partner beneficiaries.
The Sunshine Fortune Bag Program is the biggest program in the organization, which focuses on poverty relief.
The Sunshine Fortune Bags have been distributed in many countries & regions around the world, including UK, USA, Canada, Vietnam, Kenya, China, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Hong Kong, Mongolia, India, Macau, Nepal, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam & the Philippines in the last 17years.
In 2023, Sunshine Action is struggling to financially sustain all programs, including the Fortune Bag Program. Your contribution would mean a lot to us. Donate now!

The first charity organization Sunshine Action donated Fortune Bags to was the HK Women Workers Association and its sister organization, Cleaning Workers’ Association. At that time in early 2008, there was no minimum wage in Hong Kong. Most cleaning workers made an average of only HKD$3,500-4,500 per month (USD$450-580). Many struggled to pay rent and sustain their families but could not apply for social welfare support.
When Sunny started the Sunshine Fortune Bags program in 2008, there were only a couple of volunteers each season to pack all bags. They borrowed the office from HK Women Workers Association to store the food. Volunteers came on Saturdays and Sundays for 3 consecutive weekends to pack the bags. Sunshine Action did not have its own office until 4 years later. This was the humble beginning of Sunshine Action, the world's smallest charity organization.

The Fortune Bag Program has since expanded outside of Hong Kong. Sunshine Action began providing Fortune Bags in Macau in 2011. Fortune Bags have also been distributed in Vietnam, Kenya, China, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Hong Kong, Mongolia, India, Nepal, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam & the Philippines. Occasionally, we also donate to local charity kitchens in bulk.
In addition to distributing Fortune Bags, Sunshine Action has donated food to the poor through the following organizations:
Blue Sky Food Assistance Serv. Project
Crossroad Foundation
Feeding Hong Kong
Food Angel
Food Grace
Foodlink Foundation
Food for Good
Food Friend Action
Greener Action
J Life Foundation
K.T. Methodist Cleaners Community Food Bank
Christian Action Kitchen for the Refugees
Missionaries of Charity Nam Cheong shelter
St. James Settlement People's Food Bank
YWAM Food Bank Tuen Mun

Fortune Bag Records
The biggest Sunshine Fortune Bags program conducted in a single morning was during the Mid-Autumn Festival in 2020, donating over 7,500 Sunshine Fortune Bags for the poor and elderly in Hong Kong, through 70 local centres.
The heaviest Sunshine Fortune Bags were packed during September 2020 for Mid-Autumn Festival and World Food Day, with each bag containing 9-10 items and averaging 9 kg (or roughly 20 lbs) each
The most expensive Sunshine Fortune Bags were made in May 2019 for Mother's & Father's Day. Each bag included 9 items and was approximately worth HKD$300 (USD$40). A total of 3,000 bags were distributed (total market value of HKD$900,000 or USD$120,000) during this period, making it the single most expensive program ever done in the history of Sunshine Action!

Student and School Involvement
Sunshine Action works with schools to fundraise, package and distribute Fortune Bags. We have conducted the Fortune Bag Program in the following schools or the events are organized by the students from:
University of Chicago, Illinois, USA 芝加哥大學
University of Oxford, UK 牛津大學
UCL University College London, UK 倫敦大學學院
UCLA University of California, Los Angeles 加州大學
University of Pennsylvania 賓夕法尼亞大學
University of Toronto, Canada 多倫多大學 Phi Gamma Delta
NYU New York University, US 紐約大學
University of St. Andrews, Scotland 聖安德魯斯大學
University of Cambridge, UK 劍橋大學
University of Georgia 喬治亞大學 The Backpack Project Athens
Miami University at Oxford 邁阿密大學, Ohio, USA
Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學
Loughborough University 拉夫堡大學
Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School, New York, USA
DBS Diocesan Boys’ School 拔萃男書院
CIS Chinese International School 漢基國際學校
Kowloon Wah Yan School 九龍華仁書院
Yew Chung International School 耀中國際學校
Hong Kong International School 香港國際學校
Canadian International School 加拿大國際學校
ESF King George V School 英基英皇佐治五世學校
ESF Bradbury School 英基白普理小學
ESF Beacon Hill School 英基畢架山小學
ESF Kennedy School 英基堅尼地小學
ESF Discovery College 英基智新書院
ESF Renaissance College 英基啓新書院
ESF West Island School 英基西島中學
Stamford American School Hong Kong 史丹福美國國際學校香港
How Do Schools Help?
Schools can help support the Fortune Bag Program in several ways:
Hosting an event – Fortune Bag events require a venue and space for short-term food storage.
Most food purchased by Sunshine Action would arrive 2-4 days before the packing event and normally in pallets. The items do not need to be stored inside rooms, but preferably under a roof to avoid potential rain.
Schools must provide space for assembly lines to pack Fortune Bags. The open space should be fit for at least 6 assembly lines, with 3 long tables for each line.
Fundraising and collecting donation items – items must be collected for distribution prior to the packing event.
The target for donations should be the target number of Fortune Bags x 3-4 items per bag. These items must be at least 6 months from expiry date and not be stored in glass containers. During the pandemic, protective masks and other anti-pandemic items are also welcome.
Schools can also create fundraising events to support the purchase of items for donation.
On average, the school and students involved collect 50% of the donated content and Sunshine Action covers the remaining 50%.
Sunshine Chari-thon is still running presently - “What Sunshine Action Did During the Biggest Crisis”
Part 1: from Summer 2019 – Summer 2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqcL1tG50tA&t=76s
Part 2: from Summer 2020 – March 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iAwFKjNawE&t=102s
Part 3: from April – Dec 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oG-2nLYvJkQ
Part 4: from Jan-Dec 2022: https://youtu.be/ozmMcv09FrA
Part 4 (Chinese): from Jan-Dec 2022: https://youtu.be/ozmMcv09FrA
Part 5: Jan – Aug 2023 by the Sunshine Interns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMpNeZKklmY
Providing volunteers – students, parents, and teachers should be involved and volunteering in the packing & distribution of these bags to the final beneficiaries.
Approximately 15 volunteers are needed per assembly line.
Contact Sunshine Action to learn more and organize an event at your school!