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We strive to feed the communities in need in your city with your generosity.

Your generous sponsorship of our mission will feed and support those on the path to being housed  or those in shelters hoping to move on to better beginnings. 

Would your company like to outsource the Programs this year?

Sunshine Action is introducing our new global package for corporates where we provide you with charitable and volunteering events. Having established programs addressing 14 of 17 UN sustainable development goals in 24 countries or regions Sunshine Action has something to suit your ESG  & CSR strategies.


- Serve you from 3 locations:  Hong Kong - New York - London 

- Help you reach 20+ countries in our global beneficiary list

- Match your ESG strategies with our programs covering 14 UN Sustainable Development Goals

What benefits would you get:

  • Lower costs

  • Bigger options and choices of destinations

  • Bigger coverage of programs available

  • Suitable for global volunteers to join from different offices

  • Magnify your global presence and corporate image

You will get the events organized and ready for you - you just need to show up! Even better, for every new corporate you recommend, you can get one extra event.

Introduction by the chairman of the board of Bloomberg L.P. 

Mr. Peter Thacher Grauer

Great support from Mr.  Jon Van Gorp - Chairman of MAYER BROWN

 Corporates volunteers joining Sunshine Action events in the past were from:  

- Alliance Bernstein 聯博資產管理 
- Amasse Capital 寶積資本 
- Apple 蘋果 
- AWA American Women Association 
- B.A.M. Balyasny Asset Management 
- Bank of China (HK) 中國銀行(香港)


- Blackstone 黑石集團
- Bloomberg L.P. 彭博社 
- BNP Paribas 法國巴黎銀行
- Brown Brothers Harriman 布朗兄弟哈里曼銀行 

- CITIC Holding 中信資本 

- CLSA 里昂證券 

- Credit Suisse 瑞士信貸 

- Daiwa Asset Management 大和資本  

- D-MOP 

- EuroMonitor 歐睿國際  

- EY Ernst Young 安永

- Feng Tay 豐泰企業 Growth Link 

- Henderson Sunlight REIT 陽光房地產基金

- Hogan Lovells 霍金路偉律師事務所 
- ITL Pacific (H.K.) 怡通煙草(香港)
- Jones Day 眾達國際法律事務所 
- JP Morgan 摩根大通

- JSM Johnson Stokes & Master  孖士打律師行

- Li & Fung 利豐(貿易)

- SFC 證券及期貨監察會  

- Simmons & Simmons 西盟斯律師事務所 

- St. James’ Place Charitable Foundation 

- Standard Chartered Bank 渣打銀行 

- State Street 道富集團  

- Macquarie Bank 麥格理銀行 

- Mayer Brown 孖士打律師行 

- Minter Ellison 銘德律師事務所 

- PWC Price Waterhouse Cooper 普華永道 

- PWMA Private Wealth Management Association 

- Redwood Peak  

- UBS 瑞銀 

- UPS United Parcel Service 聯合包裹 

- US Consulate of Hong Kong 

- Wells Fargo 

We do not receive any government subventions for food and programs. Our projects are 100% funded by the general public and by companies. We are also run solely by volunteers, meaning that there are no paid employees at Sunshine Action. This ensures that your money goes directly to provide materials to help people living in extreme poverty.

Sunshine Action is a tax-exempted charity organization in:


Hong Kong - IRD 91/10271

USA - Public Charity Entity IRC Section 501 ©(3) in USA: ID 31954

UK - Charity reg. No. 1202617

2013 Hong Kong Humanity Awardee 香港人道年獎得獎者

2014 American Chamber of Commerce 美國總商會

Ira Dan Kaye Awardee

Charity Number: IRD-91/10271 (Hong Kong)

Sunshine Action © 2024

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